焦点观察:Jiangsu sign, put into operation major investment projects
时间:2023-05-05 16:25:26来源:ourjiangsu.com


East China’s Jiangsu province has signed and put into operation major projects, injecting strong momentum into the high-quality development of the local economy.

On the first day of the May Day holiday, 75 major projects with a total investment of 33.7 billion yuan were put into operation in Kunshan, which will generate an expected annual output value of 87 billion yuan.

These investment projects cover industries such as electronic information, equipment manufacturing, advanced materials, biopharmaceuticals, and high-end food.

In recent years, Kunshan has vigorously developed emerging industries such as the metaverse, advanced computing, life and health, and new energy intelligent connected vehicles by gathering a group of high-quality enterprises and major projects to shape more new driving forces and advantages for industrial transformation, upgrading, and innovative development.

Wuxi released the "Wuxi City Private Capital Investment and Financing Cooperation Project List" to strengthen cooperation with private capital investment and financing, as well as key engineering projects.

The 14 signed investment and financing cooperation projects totaled 55.36 billion yuan, including 7 industrial park infrastructure projects and 3 real estate development projects.

Wuxi has jointly recommended 156 key engineering projects to private capital, with a total investment of 362.48 billion yuan. The city also plans to introduce 229.47 billion yuan of private capital, and provide support for urban economic and social development with 20 infrastructure projects, including transportation, energy, urban renewal with a total investment of 87.28 billion yuan.

Lianyungang Development Zone and Lianyungang Pilot Free Trade Zone signed 6 major investment projects with a total investment of 23.6 billion yuan.

The six major projects covering new energy, headquarters economy, and bulk trade will report an annual output value of 26 billion yuan in the future, providing employment for 4600 people, and further enhancing the integrity and competitiveness of the industrial chain.


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